Thursday, September 25, 2008

We have a 4 year old!

It's nuts that we have a 4 year old. The first picture is his birthday morning (yesterday) and his birthday gift of Mack from Cars. Then he got to celebrate in preschool as well at church in the evening.
Today he got a haircut, the second picture. He looks pretty good!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Lucas in Iguana

Lucas started Awana this last week that he actually calls Iguana. Awana is a church based program that teaches kids about the bible is fun ways. This is his first memory verse and he's very proud that he memorized it so quickly.

The 2nd video just makes Ted and I laugh because Lucas is really serious about dancing and then he biffs it. Lucas calls our area rug in our front room the stage and loves to sing and dance for us. Last night when the kids and I spent the night at mom's (since she had surgery and Ted was away at a school overnighter) Lucas was great at taking anything we gave him and making up a song about it and dancing at the same time. He loved us applauding him and the he would take a bow.

We are expecting a new generation of Donnie and Marie out of our 2. Nora loves to imitate Lucas dancing and she tries to sing in her non-verbal way. We will get a video of them together soon. Maybe they can get on Dancing with the Stars!

Monday, September 15, 2008

The things Lucas will say...

Lucas leaned over to Ted tonight and whispered "Sometime you should fall in love with mommy." Ted informed him that he already had!

Also, at Grandma's yesterday, I was making lunch and he kept saying, "I'm starving to death." Drama runs in our blood.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

A hike at Hamlin Park

There's little spots in Seattle that we can take a hike that is kid friendly. This one worked out great since there was a playground at the end of our little adventure. The one picture where Lucas' hand looks like a claw is where he's doing his Kung Fu moves.
Very into Kung Fu since seeing Kung Fu Panda.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The things Lucas will say...

Last night we went to Olive Garden for their Never Ending Pasta Bowl (we missed you Fabs). Lucas got chicken fingers and broccoli, we were hoping he would eat the broccoli.
Well, when we asked him to eat his broccoli he stated "I'm too young for broccoli". Of course we laughed but proceeded to ask him again and he just said "I'm too young". Guess how much broccoli he ate.