Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Laser Tag Anyone?

Did you know that 5 year olds can play Laser Tag? That's crazy. Lucas got his first shot at it at Noah's (first on the left) birthday party? Noah and Rasi (center) are Lucas' buddies from the neighborhood. He loves his friends and he loves having to friends that live so close.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Everyone we know and don't know

So the kids were in back of the car and Lucas asked Nora "Can we hold hands?" She shook her head no. I said "Lucas I would hold your hand if you asked me because I think you're special". "Ya," Lucas says, "everyone we know thinks I'm special. But everyone we don't know doesn't think I'm special." I smile. "But", he continues, "they think I'm cute!"

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Love in my heart

So the other day Lucas asked Ted and I to kiss. So we did. We asked him why he wanted us to do that and he said "It puts love in my heart".