Monday, January 26, 2009

Life in the Top Bunk

Our kids love their bunk beds. Actually, they love the top bunk and often will climb up and play and wrestle. It is very fun to watch. There is also a little bit of sibling love going on. They really love to play together and wrestle together. Nora can certainly hold her own. We know its a phase and that in a number of years they will be at each other's throats. Or maybe not? Who knows. We have amazing kids...Anyway, tonight before saying good night to Nora, I had to physically seperate them from hugging each other. I think that two minutes is plenty....

Friday, January 16, 2009


Sometimes we are sooo tired and parenting gets exhausting. But then you lay down and read with your kids and everyone just starts giggling.

Friday, January 9, 2009

...starring Lucas Trigg

Nora's with her godmother, Holly. Holly made it for Lucas' big morning.
The preschool was putting on a small Christmas story play. I don't know if I would call it a play but a chance for the kids to say one line each. Lucas was a wiseman and his line was "I am a wiseman and I'm going to Bethlehem".
Then they all sang Christmas songs. This was planned for December 19th but since the snow cancelled school they had it on January 9th. He was very excited for his theatrical debut.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Life with Legos

Legos have been in my family for ages (ok since the 60's). My mom has my brother's orginal legos and my nephews have tons of legos (literally) which they are slowly handing down to Lucas. They are too old for them now. For Christmas my brother's family gave Lucas a "starter box" of Legos, which I'm sure he will receive much more of from them. He wasn't sure about it at first since he wanted more Hot Wheels but the more he looked and played with it the more he was really glad he got it. Here's to many more adventures with Lego.
Nora is actually saying "cheese" in this photo, not growling.