It's the end of April. I know- a long time since my last blog. It seems so much busier now that Ted is working a full work week instead of his patchwork work schedule at the church. I feel like I'm taking care of much more of the household stuff just because he needs to focus much more on this internship. Not a poor reflection on Ted because this high school band stuff is time consuming. And I feel like I'm supporting him more by doing that stuff.
My worry level is increasing as April ends and May nears with news of layoffs and cuts in education, usually in the Arts. I think about what can be cut out of our budget so that we can save and I admit my spending has been silly at times in the last couple of months and I need to really get serious about this budget stuff.
We've decided not to put the house on the market. We just feel that God told us to wait or hold off. I feel better when both of feel that way instead of just me. So God must be up to something, right? I don't know if it's a job though. It might be a time of want and uncertainty instead of a job and stability.
So we will see what the Lord has in the game plan. Ted is definitely trying his hardest. He has a lot of afterschool on the weekend events that he has to do beside all the teaching during the day stuff. I know he will make a great teacher!