Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Getting a little stir crazy

Ted's 2nd day off school and Lucas' 1st. Tomorrow is already called a snow day for both. And we will see if I'm off work too. Enjoying the beauty of snow but ready to get moving a little bit.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Lovely ladies.......

We were some of the lucky ones that got to celebrate with friends Rachel and Phil at their very fun wedding. I love seeing when a friend finds someone that was made just for her. We got to enjoy the night of many activites and fun stories. Nora with friend Coco entertained during the "social hour" up on stage.

Monday, January 9, 2012

We're grandparents!

Nora fell asleep with something stuffed up her shirt. She's been doing that a lot lately...saying she's going to have a baby with some animal or baby up her shirt. But tonight, she stuffed something up there and then fell asleep.

Poof - our grandbaby. How easy is that??