Thursday, May 29, 2008

Missing My Family

And so our lives roll on. This is a week where I feel like I haven't seen Ruth or the kids. Work has been busy, school is in the last week and the final project, Jon was here visiting and now is gone...
We were talking about our life in the fall with grad school. There will be days I don't see my family. That is the saddest thing. I know it's only two years, but that's two years of my kids I won't be able to recapture.
There it is - I want to capture every good moment and hold them. Moments when Lucas tells me he loves riding his bike or when Nora lays her head on my shoulder and pats my back or when Ruth and I have a moment to lie in bed and snuggle and talk. They seem so fleeting, but really make it all worth it I suppose.

Anyway, I miss my family and look forward to seeing them tonight.
And yes, it's an old picture...

1 comment:

Elleanor said...

So, now I am curious about "grad" school. Did you know I just finished two years of grad school?