This year is going to be crazy. Ted has a month left at his job of 8 years. He quit (yes, in a recession he quit) and will be doing student teaching and then a summer as a stay at home dad. So no greater income for at least 6 month. Praying for a job for him right now as a music teacher. I decided before the new year that I wouldn't buy clothes for any of us for the whole year, which I promptly broke and bought slippers for Ted on New Years Day, but nothing since - Promise. But my idea grew into a bigger project if you will and I decided to watch God's provision this year with so many things to come.
Have you seen the movie Julie and Julia? About a woman who does a blog about cooking through Julia Child's cookbook (the first one). It was cute and based on a true story. It made me want to do a blog on something bigger than just our day to day life so I'm doing our blog on The Provision Project. Hope you will join me and see what the Lord blesses us with this year. (Hoping for a big tax return)!
We really aren't in need of anything. But this last week I was depressed and quite blue. My job is changing from serving members to sales (hate it) and the stress is making me make errors which causes stress which makes me make more errors. So I emailed out to some friends for prayer and got it. I loooovvvee girlfriends. They are so faithful. I feel so much better know. And trusting God with my job. God provided me with great friends all over the country. I love it. Thank you God for women who I know I can count on and I didn't even e-mail all that I could. See blessings and blessings. They never stop.
Ok, enough for the first blog of the year. Oh, I thought of something I need...I need to stop eating these great cookies I made. I mean really, my eating is a little crazy lately so you could pray for that.
Here's to a wonderful year!
Love your idea!!! Can't wait to follow The Provision Project! love you so much!!!
FUN!!! Look forward to seeing how the Lord blesses!
Love, Sharla
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