For those that didn't know it, let me tell give a summary of a story that Lucas is loving right now...the story of David and the Pickle and the Peacock. Basically, it is a story of how King David had a terrible childhood fear of peacocks (like Lucas!) and that one day while having lunch a peacock approached him. Out of fear, David took the pickle that was in his lunch sack (and he hated pickles by the way - not pathologically, but just by taste) and threw it at the peacock. The peacock picked it up and sqwaked and said, "blech! How can you eat that stuff!? Yuck! Ack!" The peacock then quickly walked away. Lucas laughed about the gross part of course. This is the child that loves to play stinky feet right now.
On top of that story, Lucas currently love the Three Billy Goats Gruff (and endless variations, thereof) as well as book that has an obviously wonderful title: Ted. It's about an invisible play friend.
As far as Nora, well...last night we attended the Pint Size musical at church. She sat through the first two songs, enrapted in the music and dancing. I don't think I've seen her sit still that long since she started crawling. It was a joy to behold.
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